24. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

There was a practice I first developed while serving as a pastor that I continue now as a Bishop. Before each sermon, I offer a brief word of welcome to everyone. When I served as a senior pastor at a large congregation, I often did not have a speaking role in the worship service until I […]

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56. Looking Back, Looking Forward

General Conference Notebook, April 21   As I think about our ministry together as United Methodists over the past four years since our last General Conference, there are several ministries and initiatives that mark real progress. These are areas where I feel we’ve done particularly well, even though there is much yet to learn. For instance, United […]

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88. Practices of Vegetable-ful Congregations!

Over the last couple weeks, I’ve heard dozens of stories about small churches focusing on the Five Practices, and about the new ministry initiatives that have resulted.  A few of my favorite come from right here in Missouri. For instance, Marvin McMurry UMC in St. Joseph began to think about outreach possibilities and how to […]

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